
Effective Home Remedies to Naturally Deter Pigeons

July 25, 2023

Pigeons may be beautiful birds, but when they start invading your home and property, they can quickly become a nuisance. Their droppings can cause damage to structures and carry harmful pathogens, making it essential to find humane and eco-friendly ways to deter them. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore a range of home remedies to naturally get rid of pigeons and maintain a pigeon-free environment without resorting to harmful methods.

Understanding the Pigeon Problem

Pigeons are intelligent and adaptable creatures, making them highly successful at adapting to urban environments. While they are an important part of the ecosystem, their large populations in urban areas can create issues for homeowners. Some common problems associated include:

Damage to Property: Pigeon droppings can cause damage to buildings, vehicles, and outdoor furniture. The acidic nature of their droppings can lead to erosion and discoloration of surfaces.

Health Risks: Pigeon droppings can harbor various pathogens, including bacteria, fungi, and parasites, which may pose health risks to humans. Inhalation of airborne particles from dried droppings can lead to respiratory issues.

Noise and Disturbance: They can be noisy birds, cooing and flapping their wings, which can be disruptive and disturb the peace around your home.

Nesting Problems: They build their nests in or around buildings, creating debris and attracting more pigeons to your property.

Home Remedies to Deter

Install Physical Barriers:

One of the most effective ways to keep them away from your home is by installing physical barriers. Use bird spikes or bird netting on ledges, roofs, and other areas where they like to roost and nest. These barriers make it uncomfortable for pigeons to land and discourage them from staying.

Reflective Objects:

They are wary of shiny and reflective surfaces. Hang objects like old CDs, aluminum foil strips, or reflective tape near areas frequented by pigeons. The moving reflections will deter them, as they perceive it as a threat or danger.

Cayenne Pepper Spray:

Create a homemade pigeon repellent by mixing cayenne pepper with water. Spray the mixture around areas where they gather. The spicy scent irritates the birds’ respiratory system and keeps them away. Remember to reapply after rain.

Citrus Peels:

Pigeons dislike the smell of citrus. Place citrus peels, such as lemon or orange, near their roosting spots. The scent will discourage them from returning.

Spices and Herbs:

Certain spices and herbs have strong scents that pigeons find unpleasant. Sprinkle dried herbs like rosemary, thyme, or peppermint around areas where pigeons gather to create a natural deterrent.

Water Sprinklers:

Pigeons dislike water and sudden movements. Install motion-activated sprinklers in areas where pigeons are a problem. The sudden spray of water will startle them, encouraging them to find a new location.

Change Feeding Habits:

Pigeons are attracted to food sources. Avoid leaving pet food or bird feeders outside, as they can draw pigeons to your property. Secure garbage bins tightly to prevent scavenging opportunities.

Preventing Pigeon Nesting

Apart from deterring pigeons, it’s crucial to prevent them from building nests on your property. Here are some preventive measures to adopt:

Seal Entry Points: Check your home for any openings or gaps where they can access and build nests. Seal these entry points with caulk or wire mesh to prevent nesting.

Trim Trees and Bushes: Keep trees and bushes around your home trimmed and well-maintained. They are less likely to build nests in areas with less foliage.

Regular Cleaning: Regularly clean up bird droppings and debris around your property. Pigeons are attracted to places that have nesting material readily available.

Scare Tactics: Occasionally change the position of decoy predators or reflective objects to avoid pigeons getting accustomed to them.


Naturally deterring pigeons from your home requires a combination of preventive measures and eco-friendly remedies. By installing physical barriers, utilizing reflective objects, and using natural repellents like cayenne pepper spray or vinegar solution, you can effectively discourage them from roosting and nesting on your property.

Remember, humane methods are not only more ethical but also sustainable in the long run. These home remedies will help create an environment that is unwelcoming to pigeons, ensuring your home remains free from pigeon-related issues while promoting harmony between humans and wildlife.

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